
glo hyper Review

Hi loves, Recent a ajuns la mine noul dispozitiv glo hyper. Acest nou dispozitiv vine in 4 culori: White, Black, Orange & Blue si dupa cum puteti observa si in poze, cel pe albastru este castigator in cazul meu. In trecut mi-a placut ca aveau si variantele pe Roz sau Roz Gold, putin mai feminine, […]


Brown Tones

Hi loves, I know that these days we stay more at home and try to fight this horrible virus. In this regard, I just hope that you are all safe and healthy. I know that self isolation is hard, but it’s the only thing that it can actually make the difference. I have mixed feelings […]


Spring-Summer Essentials on SALE

BAG: Jacquemus, MULES: Jeffrey Campbell, Dress: Lee Mathews Hi loves, We can say, officially, that Spring is here and it’s here for good. Sun is up, weather is perfect and I just want to absorb as much vitamin D as possible :)) but in the mean time, I have some work to do that keeps […]


Dr. Martens – Must have boots

Hi loves, Today I want to talk about some boots. But not just any boots, I will talk about the wants that drove the entire planet crazy: we all want to have them in as many colors as possible, to wear them all year long because they are suitable from winter to summer and most […]


Me & Mom: Roadtrip with Honda CR-V Hybrid

Hi loves, Dupa cum bine stiti, mai ca am facut din Brasov resedinta de iarna , tinand cont ca am stat cred ca aproximativ o luna si jumatate sezonul acesta :)) Sincer, imi doresc sa avem acolo un apartament/o casa astfel incat sa petrecem mai mult timp la munte, dar despre asta poate o sa […]


Mukti Retreats – Must have experience ♥

Hi loves, Nu stiu daca va mai amintiti, insa anul trecut, spre sfarsitul lunii Octombrie am fost pentru prima data la un retreat. Imi doream de ceva timp sa merg, dar stiti cum este cu alinierea astrelor si cum fiecare lucru se intampla la momentul lui. Stiti cum sunt eu, mereu activa si mereu pe […]


Valentine’s Day – Gift Ideas ♥

Hi loves, Some may say that we don’t need a reason to celebrate love, but I do consider that nowadays, when we are always on the run, we should take a moment to breath and take advantage of every occasion that comes. I do agree, love should be celebrated everyday, but honestly, I think this […]

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The Real Black Friday ♥

Hi loves ♥ As you all know, in Romania, black Friday starter at the beginning of the month :)). Well, in the same note, as you might know, BF sales are made for the last week of November and here I am presenting you some super discounts on my fav online shop, plus a new […]

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Off White – People go crazy over it

Hi loves, A while ago, someone and I am not going to give names, said that Off-White will no longer be fashionable but the latest items and the latest collaboration with IKEA drove people crazy… :)) I saw some incredible scenes from the stores and I am still seeing people wearing so many items design […]


Winter is coming so STAY WARM + Giveaway

Hi loves, Dupa cum stiti, sambata trecuta am facut un tur de forta, in cautarea celor mai frumoase locuri pe care le pot vizita intr-o singura zi. Cum era de asteptat, pozele au iesit superbe ( din punctul meu de vedere ♥) insa cu un astfel de background era aproape imposibil. La sfarsitul zilei, chiar […]