
Sweater Weather

Hi loves, The Knitwear season it’s here. Even if we still enjoy temperatures above 20 Degrees Celsius, in the morning & in the evening nothing else is more perfect than a fluffy & cozy sweater!! Don’t you agree? I have always been  a fan of them and I simply can’t stop myself from buying some […]


Transitional Jackets

Hi loves, I am back from Milan Fashion Week and as much as I would like to sleep for a few days, it’s basically impossible because I have to catch up with everything and get back on track. It was amazing and prepare for a blog post with all the outfits I wore during the […]


Love or Hate

Hi loves, Today I am not wearing anything elegant or girlish and I am more on a casual mood while wearing a co ords ( tee & trousers set) from Femme Luxe, while jumping around in my new pair of Dr. Martens boots on white ( Jadon 8 Eye boots). I think these boots became […]


Start something beautiful ♥

  Hi loves, Summer is almost at its end and I fell so ready for a new season full of wonderful things that are about to happen. In the meantime, I am so happy that the new fall/winter collections hit the Tom Tailor stores! Even if we still enjoy +30 Celsius degrees in Bucharest, I […]


Places to eat in Bucharest

Hi loves, Daca nu ma insel, este prima data cand fac un astfel de articol pe blog. Va recunosc, imi place sa gatesc dar stau destul de prost cu timpul. Cand am timp, imi place sa ma bucur de experienta din bucatarie, dar de cele mai multe ori pregatesc ceva rapid sau aleg sa mananc […]


From day to Evening

Hi loves, Yesterday I have posted one outfit on my Instagram Account and promise to post it on my blog too. From one day to another, I have changed my mind regarding the styling and I ended up wearing the same statement orange blazer from Jessica Buurman in a completely different way. So, we have […]


Sales Time

Hi loves, Astazi m-am gandit sa va spun o mica poveste. Locul in care am facut aceste poze, este un loc de suflet pentru mine. Realist vorbind, cred ca au trecut 20 de ani de cand nu am mai calcat in Lacul/Delta Vacaresti. Suna socant, dar da, cu aproximatie, atatia ani au trecut. De ce? […]


Snake print: Still a thing?

Hi loves, Last week I wore this snake print dress from Jessica Buurman and I felt amazing in it. But while editing, I started asking myself if snake print is still a thing? If you’re asking yourself the same questions, well, snake print is a major trend this year. So yes, you can still wear […]


Yellow – The color of the summer

Hi loves, I could’t be more happy! It’s officially summer, the weather improved and I managed to get some tan right at the start of this season ♥ Even if I don’t have big plans for these 3 months, for me it’s exciting that I will finally get to attend this year, for the first […]