
Monthly Outfits: January

Hi loves, Just decided to write this kind of blog post in which you can find some inspiration, by having all the outfits I wore in a month with links and details about each item. I usually post them on Instagram and it’s not that difficult to find them, but by having all of them […]


Home away from Home

Hi loves, V-am promis aceasta postare de aproximativ o saptamana si astazi m-am mobilizat! Stiti ca noi mergem destul de des in Brasov, indiferent de sezon, asa ca pentru astazi v-am pregatit o recomandare de cazare si sunt absolut convinsa ca o sa va placa. Este unul din orasele noastre preferate din Romania, fiind foarte […]


Winter is coming & Black Friday too

Hi loves, Somehow, in Romania people managed to have Black Friday deal the entire month weather was Monday, Tuesday or even Sunday. Nevertheless, I decided to shop some of the items I had on my wishlist but also saved some money for other things too. You know what they say: ” Save for later alligator”. […]


It’s all about the details

Hi loves, Since I first posted one of these shots on Instagram ( @manuelalupascu) I saw that even if the outfit it’s simple and super comfy, you all loved it because that special thing stays in the details. Thus being said, I know that many of you are waiting to find out more about the […]


Shopping, Sales & Designer Items

Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim, Cat Eye Sunglasses, Leather Jacket: NA-KD, Skirt: Zara, Loafers: Dr.Martens Hi loves, For today I have prepared a small surprise for you ♥ Actually it’s not that small because you can get up to 25% discount on your fav items from Shopbop by using the following code: FALL20! So yes, you […]


Hi loves, I am back with another outfit post! I admit, this kind of posts are my favorite but somehow I promised myself that from now on I will also start posting more about other topics too, like: beauty, skincare, shopping, travel & adventures! If this comes into your interest, I will be more than […]


Traveling to Greece during Covid

Hi loves, Cut a slice of watermelon, put some music in the background and enjoy your reading. Pe langa cateva poze si detalii despre tinute, majoritatea compuse din costume de baie si ochelari de soare :)) vreau sa va ofer si cateva informatii utile cu privire la cum am ales locatia in care am stat, […]


If you’re a hat lover, read this ♥

Hi loves, For all the SUN & HATS lovers, am un mesaj de maxima importanta ♥ Luna aceasta, pana pe 16 August, in Sun Plaza puteti admira o superba expozitie de palarii realizate de Nita Sao in zona Atrium ( ca sa fiu mai precisa, vis-a-vis de Cora sau in zona scarilor rulante ce duc […]


Summer Holiday Essentials ♥

Hi loves, Vogue might say it’s the September issue, but it was just for the pictures 🙂 I have prepared for you a super coll wishlist with summer essentials, especially if you’re planning a cool holiday, no matter the destination. As you might already know, I am planning a trip to Greece and I just […]


Brown Tones

Hi loves, I know that these days we stay more at home and try to fight this horrible virus. In this regard, I just hope that you are all safe and healthy. I know that self isolation is hard, but it’s the only thing that it can actually make the difference. I have mixed feelings […]