
Winter is coming & Black Friday too

Hi loves, Somehow, in Romania people managed to have Black Friday deal the entire month weather was Monday, Tuesday or even Sunday. Nevertheless, I decided to shop some of the items I had on my wishlist but also saved some money for other things too. You know what they say: ” Save for later alligator”. […]

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The Real Black Friday ♥

Hi loves ♥ As you all know, in Romania, black Friday starter at the beginning of the month :)). Well, in the same note, as you might know, BF sales are made for the last week of November and here I am presenting you some super discounts on my fav online shop, plus a new […]


Sales Time

Hi loves, Astazi m-am gandit sa va spun o mica poveste. Locul in care am facut aceste poze, este un loc de suflet pentru mine. Realist vorbind, cred ca au trecut 20 de ani de cand nu am mai calcat in Lacul/Delta Vacaresti. Suna socant, dar da, cu aproximatie, atatia ani au trecut. De ce? […]


It’s the time to stay warm and cozy

Hi loves, I was lucky enough to take this shots yesterday when the weather was quite acceptable and the wind was moderate. What happened today? I woke up and I saw on my window that everything is now covered in white. Don’t get me wrong, I love this season and even more, I bet I […]


Short Velvet Jacket

Hi loves, Incet, incet, am reusit sa schimb mare parte din garderoba de vara cu cea de Toamna/Iarna in dressing. Sincer vorbind, este una din activitatile cele mai putin placute pentru mine, cu atat mai mult cu cat vremea este extrem de schimbatoare in aceasta perioada. Pot sa ma imbrac destul de gros in prima […]


Freeze a moment: Is it Spring?

Sometimes… You have to understand that life is not perfect, it doesn’t bring you only the best experiences and it gets you through all kind of challenges. This is life, bitter & sweet at the same time. But with all these, in life we need to learn from our mistakes. They are not easy, sometimes […]


The unseed video from Bali ♥

Hi loves, For today I have prepared a video from Bali. It’s been a while, 6 months, since we came back, but I completely forgot about it. We had some amazing memories and it would have been a pity to keep it for myself. I hope you’ll enjoy it and if you plan to visit […]


Red Alert ♥

Hi loves, I was lucky this weekend because I decided to take 2 days off. I am extremely tired but maybe it’s also due to the weather. It’s not sunny anymore, it’s cloudy and it rains basically all day long. But guess what?! A good coffee in the morning while watching the rain on the […]


Autumn Khaki Dress

Autumn is here and last night was the first one in such a long period of time when I woke up because it was too cold and I felt the need to get a hoodie and put it over the t-shirt I was wearing. Usually, this cold weather is not really my favorite because I […]