
Winter is coming & Black Friday too

Hi loves, Somehow, in Romania people managed to have Black Friday deal the entire month weather was Monday, Tuesday or even Sunday. Nevertheless, I decided to shop some of the items I had on my wishlist but also saved some money for other things too. You know what they say: ” Save for later alligator”. […]


Winter is coming so STAY WARM + Giveaway

Hi loves, Dupa cum stiti, sambata trecuta am facut un tur de forta, in cautarea celor mai frumoase locuri pe care le pot vizita intr-o singura zi. Cum era de asteptat, pozele au iesit superbe ( din punctul meu de vedere ♥) insa cu un astfel de background era aproape imposibil. La sfarsitul zilei, chiar […]


It’s the time to stay warm and cozy

Hi loves, I was lucky enough to take this shots yesterday when the weather was quite acceptable and the wind was moderate. What happened today? I woke up and I saw on my window that everything is now covered in white. Don’t get me wrong, I love this season and even more, I bet I […]


March covered in snow

Hi loves, It’s been a while since we last had snow at the begging of March. As far as we all know, spring is here, we should have seen flowers at every corner of the street and our outfits… well should not include faux fur coats. Nevertheless, what is a winter without snow, even if […]


The unexpected Snow: Outfit +Sales

Hi loves, So, yesterday I gathered all my strengths and went outside to take some new pictures. I wanted for a while now some pictures with the snow and I decided it was about time to take some action since it was snowing for two days already and the city was all white. It seemed […]


It’s a pink situation

Hi loves, Lately I prefer to pass through life in pink. No, is not just a figure of speech, I really enjoy wearing pink in all of it’s possible ways: pants, blouse, jackets and coats, head accessories, shoes, bags… you name it, I will have it! So when this gorgeous tartan dress from Vip.com arrived, […]


After Valentine’s Day

Hi loves! I hope that you have seen my latest unboxing video on youtube! If not, I will invite you to take a look, not just because I have some wonderful new things to share with you but also because I have a wonderful giveaway: You can win a gorgeous pair of Pandora earrings. Even […]


Milano, here we come

Incep saptamana cu vesti extrem de bune. Dupa cum va spuneam urmeaza cateva proiecte extrem de dragute, printre care si participarea la Milano Fashion Week. Trebuie sa recunosc, sunt extrem de nerabdatoare cu atat mai mult cu cat mai sunt aproximativ 2 saptamani pana la plecare si tinand cont ca partenera mea… de prostii :)) […]


Faux Fur… Yes please!

  Hi loves! Today I am back at you with a new outfit posts. I don`t know if I ever told you, but I am in love with faux fur jackets and this one was recently added to my wardrobe. And what you want to know, is that you can add many items these days […]